In this paper, I talked about how A.I. is the next level of access to and (re)use of digitized collections
Digital heritage professionals and researchers are facing many challenges when trying to capitalise on the transformative power of A.I.
A session to talk about challenges
The purpose of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence - ICAART - is to bring together researchers, engineers and practitioners interested in the theory and applications in the areas of Agents and Artificial Intelligence. The special session on A.I. in digital heritage proves how in recent years libraries, archives and museums have started to apply machine learning and advanced knowledge bases to contextually enrich digitized objects, audio-visual content and texts and to make these retrievable in novel ways.
A great new research group
The special session brought together a great mix of scholars and practitioners working in the digital heritage sector. A new research group was born!
And usual, we had loads of fun too!