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Let's connect

I believe networking is at the heart of modern academia. Let's connect and mutually enrich our research through talks, lectures, workshops, seminars, training sessions, visiting fellowships...


Lectures & Talks

I develop data-driven methodologies to investigate the relationship between language, media and society, and how language use often reveals latent assumptions and circulates implicit ideologies


Seminars & Workshops 

I deliver DH hands-on sessions that combine both quantitative and qualitative analysis to contextualise and unveil patterns hidden in large digital collections (e.g., topic modelling, text mining)



I am always interested in visiting opportunities to widen my interdisciplinary network, engage with practitioners and communities, start conversations and projects with external institutes, centres, and industrial partners 

Department of Art and Culture, History, and Antiquity

Faculty of Humanities

Vrije Universiteit, Amsterdam (VU )
De Boelelaan 1105, 1081 HV Amsterdam, Netherlands

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